Construct The Development Environment

1. Construct Eclipse Development Environment

To develop web applications based on iPLAss, the gradle project skeleton for Eclipse is provided. This guide will go through the process starting from setting up the Eclipse and compiling the projects, until eventually start the web applications after all the configurations.

2. Prerequisite

In order to construct the development environment, please have the following environment prepared.



AP Server

Tomcat 9.0

DB Server

One of the followings

  • Oracle 11gR2 or higher

  • MySQL 5.7/8.0

  • SQL Server 2012 or higher

  • PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher


2.1. Setting Tomcat

Install/Decompress the downloaded installer or compressed files to any directory.

Place the JDBC Driver

Put the JDBC driver of the corresponding Database being used in the lib folder at Tomcat’s directory.

In real-life production environment, there are cases that the Database rely on DataSource for connections. To use DataSource, it is necessary to place the JDBC driver in the directory of Tomcat. This document does not use DataSource, but for the reason depicted above, we want to place the JDBC driver at Tomcat side rather than the project side.

2.2. DB Configuration

If there is no existing database and tables for iPLAss, then it is necessary to configure the DB in order to start with.

Please follow one of the following methods to create the database and tables.

  • Use Install and Run wizard.

  • Download iPLAss SDK, and execute the DDL included in the package to create the database and tables.

When constructing production environment, please utilize the DDL files from iPLAss SDK. As the method from Install and Run is not recommended in that case. If Java 11 are used, please make sure your Database and JDBC are updated to the newest version. The connection policy was modified to TLSv1.3 in Java 11 so the old versions may not comply with and will throw Exceptions.

2.3. Configuring Eclipse

  1. Run the downloaded installer.
    If JAVA_HOME was not set, the dialog to select javaw.exe will show up. Please select the javaw.exe in the directory of the installed JDK.

  2. On the started interface page, select Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers, and install to any directory.

  3. After the installation, start the Eclipse and create the workspace at any directory.

  4. From the menu bar, choose Window > Preferences to open the interface for settings.

    1. Settings for Encoding
      At General > Workspace , change the Text file encoding to Other(UTF-8) .

    2. Settings for JDK
      Make sure the installed JDK shows in Java > Installed JREs . If it was not there, add the JDK manually and set it to default. Then, open Java > Compiler and check if Compiler compliance level is 11.

    3. Setting for Tomcat
      Add the installed Tomcat in Server > Runtime Environments. Choose Apache Tomcat v9.0, and specify the Tomcat directory that we installed previously.

    This procedure assumes Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers(2023-09).

3. Create the Project

Project is using the template repository from GitHub . Create a new repository from Use this template and clone it, or please download the zip file.

3.1. Create with Template

The project can be created by the following steps.

Make a new repository
  1. At Use this template, click on `Create a new repository to move to the repository creation page.

  2. Specify Owner and Repository name on the repository creation page to create a repository.

  3. Import the project.

  4. Copy the URL from Clone option.

  5. Select File > Import…​ from the Eclipse menu bar.

  6. Then choose Git > Projects from Git.

  7. Then Clone URI.

  8. Make sure the copied URI is in Location’s URI box. and enter the username and password for authentication to your login as required.

  9. Choose master branch.

  10. At Destination’s Directory, specify the workspace that was indicated when starting the Eclipse.

  11. Choose Import as general project at project import wizard.

  12. Project Name does not need to be modified, just click Finish.

When creating the project by template, a Github account is necessary.
"Personal access tokens" are required for login authentication, so if you have not yet created one, please create one from "Settings > Developer Settings" in the GitHub menu.

3.2. Create with ZIP File

The project can be created with the following steps.

Get ZIP File
  1. At Clone or download, click on Download ZIP to download the ZIP file.

  2. Decompress the ZIP file, and move the iplass-skeleton folder to the root directory of your workspace.

Import the Project
  1. Select File > Import…​ from the Eclipse menu bar.

  2. Then General > Projects from Folder or Archive.

  3. For Import source, specify the folder you moved to the workspace, uncheck the Detect and configure project nature and then click Finish.

3.3. Create with iPLAss SDK

Create the project with the skeleton project included in iPLAss SDK.

Get iPLAss SDK
  1. Download from Download_Site or from the URL given along with the enterprise edition’s contracts.

  2. Decompress the iPLAss SDK, place the iplass-skeleton folder to the workspace of eclipse.

For the enterprise edition, it is iplass-ee-skeleton.
Replace the configuration file
  1. Open the iplass-ee-skeleton folder and overwrite the existed by the one provided along with the Enterprise Edition’s contracts.

You need to add the username and password distributed at the time of contract to of the enterprise edition.
Import the Project
  1. Select File > Import…​ from the Eclipse menu bar.

  2. Then General > Projects from Folder or Archive .

  3. For Import source, specify the folder you moved to the workspace, uncheck the Detect and configure project nature and then click Finish.

3.4. General Settings After Importing

Rename The Application
  1. Decide the name for the projects and change it via Refactor > Rename.

  2. Use Refactor > Move to move the project folder corresponding to the project name.

  3. Change the from setting.gradle according to the project name.

Get JDBC Driver
  1. As mentioned before, the JDBC driver placed in Tomcat directories will be used when running the web applications. It is also used when running the Tenant tools which will be discussed later.

    • Oracle(ojdbc8.jar)'s case
      From the vendor’s download site, you can download the jar file, please put it in the lib folder directly under the directory of the project.

    • Any of MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer
      Uncomment the relative line from build.gradle.

Enable the Gradle
  1. Right click the project, and click Configure > Add Gradle Nature to turn the project to a gradle project.

  2. Click the Gradle > Refresh Gradle Project to start downloading the dependencies.

If you use a proxy server, please refer to the following and add proxy settings to and then refresh.
Modify Settings of the Project
  1. Get to the project’s Properties window, and do the following operations.

  2. Modify the context root from Web Project Settings according to the project name.

  3. Check the following items in Project Facets in the left pane and set the version.
    After that, click the Runtimes tab in the right pane and check the Tomcat (Apache Tomcat v9.0) installed in advance. If it does not exist in the options, add it using the New…​ button.

Project Facet Version



Dynamic Web Module



Apache Tomcat v9.0

Settings for mtp-service-config.xml
  1. Modify the settings from src/main/resources/mtp-service-config.xml. Please change the following items.

    <inherits>/mtp-core-service-config-oracle.xml</inherits> (1)
    <!-- If use mysql, inherits mtp-core-service-config-mysql.xml for convenience. -->
    <!-- If use postgresql, inherits mtp-core-service-config-postgre.xml for convenience. -->
    <!-- If use sqlserver, inherits mtp-core-service-config-sqlserver.xml for convenience. -->


        <!-- DriverManager base ConnectionFactory -->

        <!-- ■ your rdb setting 1 ■ -->
        <!-- for oracle --> (2)
        <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:ADDRESS:PORT:DB" /> (3)
        <property name="user" value="XXXXX" />
        <property name="password" value="XXXXX" />
        <property name="driver" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />





            To save Binary data in files, uncomment the following comments.
            FileLobStore is mandatory for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
            ※The following setting is to store Binary data in file, and LongText data in RDB.
            If it is need to store LongText data in files, please also set the setting of longTextStore to FileLobStore.
        <property name="binaryStore" class="org.iplass.mtp.impl.lob.lobstore.file.FileLobStore"> (4)
            <property name="rootDir" value="[setYourBinaryFileStoreRootPath]" /> (5)
            <property name="overwriteFile" value="false" />
        <property name="longTextStore" class="org.iplass.mtp.impl.lob.lobstore.rdb.RdbLobStore">






        <!-- ■ for develop only (additional="true) ■ -->
        <!-- To enable the debug mode for sending mails, Please uncomment the following code.-->
        <property name="listener" class="org.iplass.mtp.mail.listeners.LoggingSendMailListener" additional="true"/> (6)


1 Change depending on the DB in use.
2 Comment/Uncomment depending on the DB in use.
3 Change along with the created DB scheme.
4 Uncomment it if using MySQL or PostgresSQL.
5 Set the any path to store binary files. (For Windows, an example is C:\iPLAss\binary)
6 Uncomment it only for development environment.

At this point, the project is successfully deployed.

4. Create the Tenant

Tenant is like the conceptual division of the server. We have to specify which tenant to access when using iPLAss. Let’s use the GUI tools to create a Tenant.

  1. Run the Gradle task runTenantBatch from the command line.

    • Execution path: Directly under the project

    • Command to run: gradlew runTenantBatch
      ※You can check the list of Gradle tasks using the gradlew tasks command.

  2. Click the Create Default Tenant on the shown interface.

  3. On the dialog, input name, AdminUserId, AdminUserPassword and click Create.
    After confirming that "Execute Result: SUCCESS" is displayed in the log of the dialog screen, close the dialog.

before creating the tenant, please make sure to configure mtp-service-config.xml and set the DBA user with corresponding privileges.
AdminUserId should be over 4 characters long and can be composed only by English characters, numbers, and the specific special character of - , @ , _ , .
AdminUserPassword should be over 6 characters long and only be composed by English characters, numbers, and the following special character: ~!#\\$^&*+;:?/|{}\\.=_,- .

5. Execution

We will start the server, and access the Tenant from the browser.

5.1. Start the Server

  1. Right click the root of the project in Eclipse, choose Run As > Run on Server. (Later on you can start from Server tab)

  2. Select Tomcat v9.0 Server then click on [Finish]. If Always use this server when running this project is checked, the server will directly go for the same setting on forth.

    If the Tomcat admin port setting is "-", Tomcat will fail to start. Please set an appropriate unused port such as "8015".

5.2. Show the Login Page

  1. Once the server is running, access the following URL(URL of the top view of the GEM module) by the browser.


For instance, if the project was created with context name being sampleApp, and tenant being sampleTenant, then the URL will be:


If the web application started normally, the following login page will be presented. Please use the manager ID and password specified when creating the tenant to log in.

execute login en

6. Next Step

For the people who are first time with iPLAss, please begin your journey with our Tutorial.