Getting Started

1. Preface

This is the iPLAss starter’s guide.

If you are a developer, and is going to develop for an existing iPLAss projects, then please jump to Constructing the Developing Environment and follow the steps. Otherwise if you are a beginner, it is recommanded to start with Install and Run or Docker Environment and see how iPLAss works in practice.

Once you have iPLAss running, please follow the progresses of Tutorials.

1.1. Install and Run

This guide depicts the steps to install iPLAss and examples of some basic functionalities. It is always recommanded to start from this guide. Windows/MySQL/Tomcat is required.

1.2. Eclipse Environment

It guide you to construct the environment so to develop iPLAss on Eclipse. This guide is meant for the developers with experiences of Java development on Eclipse.

1.3. Docker Environment

It guide you to run iPLAss with Docker. Use Docker.

2. Tutorials

The Tutorial helping the reader to understand the core functionalities of iPLAss.

2.1. Basic Guide

Using AdminConsole(Configuration Tools on Web Browser)to build a simple web application.

2.2. Advanced Guide

Tutorials for advanced contents such as customized function with coding.

Some content that are only available to Enterprise Editions are also explained in the guides.

2.3. Customization Guide

The tutorial of customizing the view and WebApi on the MVC frameworks. It contains tutorials of both Java-based coding and Groovy-based coding.

2.4. WorkFlow Guide

Tutorials for WorkFlow mechanics.

The feature only available to Enterprise Edition

3. Next Step

If you need to create fully customized consumer oriented web applications, have a look at the Explaination of a Sample Application . It is an example of how to make an EC-site-like website by iPLAss. It is recommanded to try it yourself.

In case if you need to understand the each specific mechanisms in details, please refer to Developer Guide and play with things to see how it works.