
Getting Started

Install and Run

Run the installer

First of all, it is recommended to install and try iPLAss in practical. Please download the installer from the following button:

Then follow the steps in the documents from the following links to install the iPLAss

Install and Run

Run by Docker

For Docker, use the following command to acquire Docker images,

docker pull iplass/iplass-standalone

then run these commands to create and initialize the container

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e IPLASS_TENANT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=[Password] iplass/iplass-standalone

Once the container was started, simply input this URL in web browsers to accss the login page.


On the log in page, input 「admin」 to ID input-box, and the corresponding password that we just set in previous steps
Once the log in process was done, please refer to Install and Run for「5. Standard features and use cases」to try the iPLAss functionalities.

For further infomations, refer to DockerHub's documents.

Start Developing

iPLAss support non-code development, as the user only need to define the data and configure how they are displayed on the view. iPLAss can also import custom logics in Java/Groovy, granting the start-from-scratch experiences for geek developers.
Tutorials to help unserstanding the flow of development with IPLAss are presented below.


No-code developments

Admin Console(Web-browser-based tools)can help with data definition, view modification without coding requirements. The changes are immediately reflected to the applications.

Groovy/Groovy Template based developments

With Admin Console, the custom logics can be stored in Groovy/Groovy Template. Groovy based coding, like the no-code development described above, can have the change reflected on application without re-compile or restart the projects.

Java based developments

 You can write custom logic in Java/JSP.  Although compilations and deployments are required, it is possible to develop Web applications in a environment familiar to you, with statically typed language.

The following github repository provide the gradle project templates for java based developments. please either fork, or download the repository and utilize it in your web developments.


Sample Applications

Sample applications that implement typical EC-shops with iPLASs are provided. The reader can compare how the same functionality was implemented differently depending on the methods.

Sample application By Groovy

Groovy application can be imported by Admin Console.
Please download the zip file from the following link,

and refer to Guide for how to import it.

Sample Application By Java

The Gradle project styled repository can be found from the github. Please either fork or download the link and refer to Guide for further informations.


Sample Application By Vue.js

The Gradle project styled repository can be found from the github. Please either fork or download the link and refer to Guide for further information.


Sample Application for Enterprise Edition

This sample application is the EC-shops described above along with some additional features which are Enterprised-Edition only. The additional features are depicted as following:

  • WorkFlow: a sample showing how the back end business logics executes with WorkFlow when the item are ordered/asked.
  • Ad-Hoc Query: a sample showing how to query on order records,customer data to get wanted results.
  • Aggregation: a sample that aggregate the order history and customer data, and then show it on the dashboards.
  • simple BI: simple BI sample showing about customer data analysis.

*The Enterprise-Edition sample contains the Enterprise-Edition SDK.